What to expect during App

A standard appointment will provide the following:
  1. There will be a photograph taken for a before shot of the eyebrows. (If client is does not wish to be photographed then this step will be skipped.
  2. There will be a consultation on how the client would like to have their brows. (How much makeup the client usually wears on a daily, what type of shape suits them best, and what areas need to be fixed on the eyebrows, ext.) Then the brows will be carefully drawn according to the client's face shape and desired preference.
  3. Once the drawing is approved by the client, numbing cream is applied to the eyebrows for 20 min.
  4. The artist will then begin microblading the desired shape of the client.
  5. When the process is complete, the artist will clean the area and apply a light layer of A&D Ointment to the eyebrows.
  6. An after shot of the new microbladed brows will be taken. (If client does not wish to be photographed then this step will be skipped)
  7. Then the client will be sent home with an after care information sheet and an A&D Ointment.
The whole process will take about 1 1/2 hours - 2 1/2 hours.
Please schedule appointments accordingly

A retouch appointment should be scheduled 5-6 weeks after the procedure. 
The cost of a retouch appointment is $40 
Retouch within 6 months after initial retouch is (20% off) $320
**After 6 months the price will go back to original pricing**

Depending on the each client, a retouch appointment is not always needed. Everyone's skin is different and will take the ink differently. Sometimes parts of the skin will not keep pigment and sometimes the pigment fades too light for a client's preference. Therefore, a retouch appointment is highly recommended.

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